For those of you who are new to scholarships, this is the place to be! Through this page we highlight the basics of scholarship and everything you need to know before applying!
This might be a scary time in your life, high school is ending and the next chapter of your life is about to unfold. It’s something everyone will have to go through, to decide what you would like to do for the rest of your life - choosing what course to study and where. Here are the common ones that most Malaysians go through:
However, let us tell you about a different pathway you could go down, scholarships! Scholarships are an opportunity for you to go to a university and further your education with a company or a government institution funding your journey.
Here’s Luqman, a Yayasan Khazanah scholar, introducing you to scholarships:
Belajar di luar negara seperti di United Kingdom ataupun Amerika Syarikat?
Although it might sound difficult, it’s possible! There has been Malaysians before us that have been accepted into the Worlds Best Universities like Harvard, Cambridge, Stanford and Oxford!
Here is one: learn more about the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (The world’s best school for Engineering):
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
There are two types of scholarships:
Convertible Loan - The scholarship body pays for your education and allowance but you have to pay back the full or a part of the loan after completion of studies. Eg. JPA/MARA
Sponsorships - The scholarship body sponsors your education but scholars have to serve a bond with the company after completion of studies. Eg. Yayasan Khazanah