General Rundown

The Khazanah Global Scholarship is a prestigious award that offers opportunities for Malaysians to pursue A-Level studies at Kolej Yayasan UEM as a preparation to further undergraduate studiesĀ at their approved universities abroad and Postgraduate studies at selected leading universities around the world.

In addition, recipients of the scholarship are provided with leadership trainings and job attachments at leading organisations in Malaysia. The duration of the scholarship will be for the full course of study, as stipulated in the offer of admission, subject to Yayasan Khazanah's terms and conditions.

Documents Needed

Application Process

Khazanah has one of, if not the longest application process in terms of scholarships, with a whopping five stages!

In this next stage, applicants face the Cubiks Team Role Questionnaire, Cubiks PAPI 3N & Khazanah CRI

Just answer as you feel appropriate!

Khazanah CRI - gauges choices you will make on corporate dilemmas (similar to Situational Judgement Tests)